Ephyrae Society

"When you aren't fed love off of silver spoons, you learn to lick it off of knives"

Intro to the system

Before you Follow/DNI

Frequent Fronters


We are a diagnosed system of 1500+
Polyfragmentation is suspected
We are always looking for new friends, so feel free to reach out
We are autistic, dyslexic (both numbers and letters), and have ADHD among other things
We hyper fixate on Jellyfish, Octopi, and Dragons
Our punctuation use is very chaotic
We are socially awkward and can go a long time without texting
We don't tolerate disrespect or fake claiming
We will be making our account an education account
We are AFAB and gender fluid
We are working on becoming a freelancer
Our dream is to become a mental health advocate and a marine biologist

Before you Follow

We are 17 (turning 18 this year)
We info dump sometimes
We don't reclaim slurs
We cuss an excessive amount
We don't always text back quickly
We do post potentially triggering things
Our close friends story doesn't get trigger warnings
We don't censor the word queer
We don't censor fusions when we talk about them
Sometimes we use the words integration and fusionm interchangeably
We use the term core (the core for us isn't the "original", it's the first host)
We get very fixated on our special interests, if you don't want to hear about it, please let us know
Our hosts change frequently, so you may not always talk to the same person every time
Sometimes we forget to sign off


If yo do not know what a DNI is, it means "Do Not Interact". It is used by many. In context, it would be "Please DNI if..."

Please do not interact with us if you are, support any of the following
Wolf Den System
Ghost Collective
Broken Wings Society
Medusa Collective/Heartless Widows Society/Ghostface Collective
Lune De Jupiter Collective
Black Widows Society
Dark Spirit Society/Fallen Angels System
Ghouls and Cats Collective
Toxic Lovers Collective
Floofy Rose System
OR if you are/do/support any of the following
Fake Claim
A Trump Supporter
Want to start drama
If you're over 27
If you're under 15 (turning 16 this year)
Support endogenic "systems" (I fully understand some people don't remember their trauma, we simply don't wish to interact with people who say they're endogenic)
If you practice/support Tulpamancy, and are not a buddhist monk. This is cultural appropriation
If you are homophobic/transphobic
Are in the military
Wish to convert us to your religion
If you wish to steal our trauma or alters (exes have done this)
If you wish to steal our face claims
If you wish to harm us in any way
If you wish to debate about reproductive rights
If you wish to start a fight or debate in a topic you are uneducated in
If you are anti-BLM
When we say "steal an alter" we do not mean factives. What happened with our ex, was they would see a face claim they liked that we used, they would take the alters name, and their story, however their alter would not be a factive. There would be key personality differences, but that is what we mean when we say "steal an alter".
As for our saying steal a face claim, we have no issues with you having the same face claim as someone (most of the time). We simply ask that you inform us that you use it. Pinterest exists, and we know that's how many of us find face claims.
Sea Nettle

Frequent Fronters

Bear is a system manager and protector, he is 24. He has 3 kids and is very protective of both them and his spouse. He's very friendly, but will get very guarded and protective when need be

Lanie is a trauma holder and a cohost. She has many kids and feels everything very deeply. She doesn't interact with very many people, meaning the ones she does interact with are very important to us.

Xochi is a system manager, at 19 she helps her sister and the 7 other system managers keep everyone in check. She's very friendly and wants everyone happy, while also knowing that's not always doable